Self-care has had an incredibly popular few years recently, with the phrase entering the mainstream vernacular in social media, the news, and even our workplaces. But why is a concept that was niche in the therapy and mental health communities having its moment right now?
The self-care revolution is a reaction to a society largely in need of it now more than ever, but also a society informed enough to have realized that that need is even there. People are no longer accepting demoralizing workplaces, relationships, and situations at face-value; we’ve started to understand that, while we can’t always change our circumstances right away, we don’t necessarily deserve the pain and challenges that land on our doorstep, and we deserve to be nurtured through the things we go through.
As platforms like Twitter and Instagram allow us to enter large-scale conversations with each other, more and more we’re able to support each other, even exchanging tips, advice, and ideas. The voices for self-care continue to multiply, and with them the power of the concept.
So what does that mean for you?
It means: Keep going. Self-care is a great place to start in loving and supporting yourself, and its entrance into the mainstream is a wonderful thing; but the work shouldn’t stop there. It’s important to continue conversations around what situations drive us hard towards self-care in the first place – are we trying to self-care our ways through toxic work environments? Bad relationships? Changing goals, wants, and dreams? Fears and distress about society?
So do whatever your version of self-care is – a face mask, that favorite pint of ice cream, your Saturday night plans cancelled in favor of a movie marathon at home – because you absolutely deserve it.
But also, dig deeper into what you’re feeling and what you need. And keep going.